No all time record this time, but still very satisfied with the result of the small portfolio!
T - $23.52
PG - $8.70
OHI - $28.67
ABT - $3.90
Total November (gross): $64.79
November 2016: $64.79
November 2015: $73.56
This is a 11.92 YoY decrease.
Reasons for this, are 2 sold positions that both paid dividends in November: KMI & CAT.
KMI was sold after they cut their dividend and CAT was sold after a disappointing Q2 ' 16 earnings report.
Dividend raises
On November 18th, UNP increaseed their quarterly dividend from $0.55 to $0.605.
This is a 10.00% increase. Due to this change, my YOC is now at 3.70%.
Double digit increase! Really happy with this news.
How was your November?
Thanks for reading.